Advocacy Training and Development Program

The Advocacy Training and Development Program provides training in Military Advocacy, for members of Ex-Service Organisations, which offer advocacy services to serving and ex-serving members of the armed forces and their dependents.

Go to ATDP Website

Carry On Victoria

Carry On provides support and assistance to many ex-service personnel and their dependents who are in needy circumstances and who are not eligible for support from government Departments or other Welfare Agencies.

Go to Carry On Website

Department of Veterans' Affairs

DVA is a department of the Australian Government and is responsible for delivering government programs for war veterans, members of the Defence Services, police, and their dependents.

Go to DVA Website

Helpful Links


Legacy is a charity providing services to Australian families suffering after the injury or death of a spouse or parent, during or after their Defence force service. 

Go to Legacy Website

Mind Dog

MindDog assists mental health sufferers to procure, train and certify psychiatric assistance dogs. These dogs assist people with mental health disorders whose lives are often severely compromised by anxiety and fear. With their MindDog they are able to travel on public transport, access public places and take part in social activities which have been closed off to them.

Go to MindDog Website

My Aged Care

The Australian Government’s My Aged Care phone line and website can help you to access services and find information in one spot for yourself and family members, friends, or someone you care for.

Go to My Aged Care Website

Operation PTSD Support

Raising funds and awareness whilst assisting those supporting our troops. The carers and families of those veterans injured or suffering mental health condition.

Go to Op PSTD Support Website

Returned & Services League of Australia

The RSL is an independent, apolitical organisation run by members, for members primarily to assist current and former service men and women and their dependents when in need, whether they’re RSL members or not.

Go to RSL Website

Horsham RSL

The Horsham Returned Services League (RSL) Club, in the heart of Horsham's CBD, is a welcoming, family friendly, place where everyone can relax over a drink or a great meal.

Go to Horsham RSL Website

Open Arms Veterans & Families Counselling Service

Open Arms provides free and confidential, nation-wide counselling and support for war and service-related mental health conditions, such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety and depression, as well as relationship and family counselling to address issues that can arise due to the unique nature of military service. 

Go to Open Arms Website

Cockatoo Rise Retreat

This 156 year old retreat, situated between Port Fairy and Hamilton, welcomes ex-service and current ADF personnel and partners. This safe, secure and peaceful retreat operates through donations and memberships and is a place to stay with like-minded people and take some time out.

The retreat has it’s very own ADF Museum, from WWI to present day conflict. Arrange an appointment to view this collection.

Go to Cockatoo Rise Retreat Website

DVA Factsheets

Informative factsheets available on the DVA website.

Go to DVA Factsheet Website


The Consolidated Library of Information and Knowledge (CLIK) contains the Department's legislation, policy and reference material.

Go to DVA CLIK Website